Key learnings from 15 years of blogging…

I started writing this blog 15 years ago on April 6, 2008. I learned a lot doing this activity over time. Looking back, I would like to write down some of the key learnings.

Just do it

The first blog post was a bit awkward. I didn’t know what to write. I was worried about what others would feel about my blog post. I am not a professional writer and English is not my native tongue. So, I postponed the first post for a long time. I was in analysis paralysis for a long time. The first learning was to start something as soon as possible, one can pick things up over time.

Writing brings clarity

As I started to write more over time, I feel the activity of writing down something, brought clarity about the topic. Often the first draft is a bit rough, however your mind starts to somehow work in different direction and aligns things in a proper fashion. In the end when I read the post, I found some sense of understanding and satisfaction.

Be natural

Since I don’t write this for an earning or money, I don’t have any pressure, I don’t have forced posting schedule and I don’t create click bait titles. If some topic is interesting, I just note them down and start to elaborate on it. Slowly the post grows and if I feel it is worthy enough, I post that to my blog. I also tend to write in a tone that I prefer, without any formal training on writing. It somehow works and brings me joy.

People read blog

In today’s hyper fast media consumption age, I sometimes felt a blog is old fashioned and people would not read them. However, to my surprise I observe people read stuff and often shared some appreciation. This little appreciation kept me going for so many years. Every now and then when I meet some old-time friend, they mention my blog. Again, this brings a moment of joy and satisfaction.

Time travel

Sometimes I tend to read my own post after a long time. It is like time travel, going to those moments, bringing those characters to life, relearning the lesson again and sometimes laughing at myself.

Learn things by doing

When I started, I couldn’t write 100 words, my first post was just 73 words and I took enormous amount of time to write that post. Now I can write 500 words post, as they say one can learn a lot by doing it. No one learns something by planning. Sometimes I feel our brain is amazing, when I start the post, I only have the title nothing more. However, once I start to type the post, words keep coming and it just flows. I still don’t understand the process, one must experience it. In no time the post grows and at some point, I feel this is sufficient.

With the grace of God, I will continue to write the blog and share interesting topics with all of you. Thanks for all the appreciation and support.



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